Written by: Marla Lepore

Feeling Stuck? 5 Tips to Get Moving Again

You’re facing the blank page. Or the tough choice. Or the constant flow of distractions and the ...

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Uncover Hidden Creative Thinking on Your Team

We often make assumptions about which team members "have it" when it comes to creative thinking and ...

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Why You Need a Not-to-Do List (And How to Create One)

Does your to-do list just keep growing? Here's a secret of highly productive people: The best ...

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What's Your Next Move? Growing Your Career in the Gig Economy

The career as we know it has changed. Growth means more than just climbing the corporate ladder. ...

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Why We Resist Diversity of Thought

We know that diversity of thought is a good thing, but that doesn't stop us from resisting when we ...

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The Workplace of the Future is Yours to Build

The future of work is about more than innovative technology and open floor plans. Here's what your ...

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This Employee Assessment Takes You Outside the Box

The HBDI® is an employee assessment that measures thinking preferences as opposed to behavior or ...

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More is Not Always Better: How to Improve Communication at Work

We're told to over-communicate, and yet we're still not being heard. Accounting for our audience's ...

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Improve Email Communication by Asking Yourself 4 Simple Questions

Email communication seems simple, so why are we constantly misunderstanding each other? Try these ...

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What to Do When Turnover Hits Your Dream Team

People leave. That’s the reality. But the best defense against turnover is having a plan in place ...

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The Power of the Pause: Managing Employees Who Are Too Busy to Think

Are your employees too busy to make time for deep thinking? Here's how to help them stop ...

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5 Signs You Could Use an Employee Assessment

Many companies think of employee assessments as performance management or recruiting and hiring ...

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