Whole Brain® Thinking for Highly Effective Teams

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Highly effective teams don’t happen by accident. Building and sustaining team success takes time, effort, and diligence. 

If your team members are missing deadlines, producing underwhelming work, or spending too much time on simple tasks, look closer at their ability to trust, adapt, and perform. Often, underperformance comes down to poor self-awareness and misunderstandings among team members. 

Herrmann’s Team Effectiveness Solution is designed to help people learn new problem-solving, communication, decision-making and innovation skills by applying the Whole Brain® Thinking methodology to daily interactions with their teams.


What Is the Herrmann Team Effectiveness Solution?

The Team Effectiveness Solution includes a comprehensive suite of diagnostics, digital tools, and collaboration rituals.

The program is designed in six integrated phases that are iterative — allowing leaders and teams to choose the tools and resources they need based on their contextual challenges. Teams get access to a comprehensive suite of diagnostics, digital tools, and collaboration rituals designed to improve team dynamics and performance.